“Hard work is simply the refuge of people who have nothing whatever to do” — Oscar Wilde

I have nothing whatever to do.

I’m not an “award winning” designer, I don’t talk about myself in third person, sometimes I pretend to know what I’m doing. But…

I craft elegant, functional software that empowers humans. I love working in teams to conceptualise and execute meaningful products at scale. My mission is to design emotionally resonant technologies that amplify our intellect and relationships, rather than make us distant and dependent. Technology should be calm, elegant, crafted with empathy, helpful with little effort; then disappear.

I love branding, books, printed objects, tactility in visual artefacts, and the holistic approach to product experience. Work aside, I love food and wine. I love messing up with bicycles and cars; sometimes I take pictures.

I’m against products purposefully designed to profit from anxiety and dopamine addiction, that’s why I’m not active on social media; but I’m a friendly human being, always happy to chat :) My CV is on LinkedIn, on request I can provide a bar chart with my skillset (omg designers, so practical). This website doens’t use bloody cookies, popups, or useless chatbots. 

Email ➝ ciao☂alessiomacri.com
Linkedin ➝ alessiomacri
Instagram ➝ crispydeepfried 

So call me, maybe…